The best streets on which to commit suicide on a skateboard are in Point Loma.
The views from these streets overlooking the Harbor are "to die for" but can you imagine parallel parking in front of your house? Be sure to set the emergency brake!
Welcome to my birthplace ~ sunny San Diego
Each year, one million sea birds and one hundred thousand marine mammals die from ingestion of, or entanglement in plastics.
In some places of the Pacific Ocean, the amount of plastic suspended in the water outnumbers plankton six to one! There is a section of the Pacific Ocean twice the size of the continental United States called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Within it, 100 million tons of plastic swirl in a vortex of currents. There is so much plastic in the water that it outnumbers zooplankton by six to one!
This plastic ends up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals. Again, one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die globally each year because of us!
Plastic is forever, with virtually every piece of petroleum based plastic ever made still in existence. That's why it's so critical to our oceans and beaches that we dramatically reduce our use of plastics, especially single-use plastics, starting today.
You can make a difference for our world's oceans, waves and beaches -- pledge to rise above plastics today.
I commit to do my part to rise above plastics and protect the world's oceans, waves and beaches from plastic pollution. I will do this by:
- Using reusable bottles for my water and other drinks. By using just one reusable bottle, I will keep 167 single-use plastic bottles from entering the environment.
- Using cloth bags for groceries and other purchases. For each reusable bag I use, I will save approximately 400 plastics from being used.
- Recycling the plastic bags and bottles I already have. For every thirteen plastic bags I don't use, I will save enough petroleum to drive a car one mile.
Surfrider Foundation now has over 50,000 members in the USA; in addition, International Surfrider Foundation chapters and affiliates have been established in many foreign countries including the Surfrider Foundation Europe (with ongoing programs and Chapters in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy) as well as Japan, Brazil, and Australia.
Information provided by http://www.riseaboveplastics.org/ and http://www.surfrider.org/