San Diego Daily On Leave
See you soon!
Bernar VENET

The Port of San Diego, in partnership with Scott White Contemporary Art, is proud to present a monumental exhibition of large-scale sculptures by world-renowned artist, Bernar Venet. This historic exhibition encompasses thirteen steel sculptures placed at key locations within the Port’s waterfront district as well as at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, the San Diego Museum of Art, the San Diego International Airport, Liberty Station (NTC), the Marriott Hotel & Marina and the Omni Hotel. This is the first solo exhibition of this caliber and magnitude to take place in Southern California.
This is an exciting time culturally for San Diego. The working waterfront provides a powerful landscape for the artist’s work. The exhibit is free and can be enjoyed by residents and visitors at key locations.
Felis concolor

At Torrey Pines State Park, you will find "The Lodge" which is a small museum you'll miss if you aren't looking. Inside, they have a fantastic display of the animals and plants of the region. It's a shame that man has squeezed these large cats out.
Mountain lion, puma, cougar, panther—this cat is known by more names than just about any other mammal! But no matter what you call it, it’s still the same cat, Felis concolor, the largest of the small cat species. So how did it get so many names? Mostly because it has such a large range, and people from different countries have called it different things. Early Spanish explorers to North and South America called it leon (lion) and gato monte (cat of the mountain), from which we get the name "mountain lion." Puma is the name the Incas gave this cat in their language. Cougar seems to have come from an old South American Indian word, cuguacuarana, which was shortened to cuguar and then spelled differently. And panther is a general term for cats that have solid-colored coats, so it was used for pumas as well as black jaguars. All of these names are considered correct, but scientists usually use the name puma.
Here in Southern California they are commonly called mountain lions. You may have heard of the Florida panther. This is a subspecies of mountain lion that used to be found from Texas throughout the southeast, but is now only found in Florida. It is endangered, with only about 50 cats left, and conservation efforts are underway to try to save it.
As more people have moved into the mountain lion's territory, the number of encounters with these cats has increased. This is often "big news" and frightens people. But overall, meeting a mountain lion is an unlikely event. The cats don’t want to confront humans, and they will do their best to avoid us. You can avoid them, too, by not hiking alone, or at dusk and dawn when mountain lions are hunting. Make noise as you hike, and don’t leave food out around a cabin or campsite, especially at night. If you do happen across a mountain lion, never approach it—always give it a way to escape.
Some people have considered mountain lions to be pests and shot them on sight, or trapped or poisoned them. That’s one of the reasons the cats have become scarce across North America. It’s important to remember that mountain lions have an essential role to play in their ecosystems. They are one of the top predators, and without them populations of deer and other animals would become unhealthy and too large for the habitat. It’s true that mountain lions can be dangerous, and problem cats should be reported to local animal control agencies, like the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife. But people like to live and play in or near wild places, so we need to understand and respect the wildlife that also lives there. If we take responsibility for our own actions, pets, livestock, and property, we can learn to live with mountain lions and appreciate their power and grace.
- Mountain lions can jump 18 feet (5.5 meters) from the ground into a tree, and they have been known to jump 20 feet (6.1 meters) up or down a hillside. That’s the height of many two-story buildings!
- Mountain lions are good swimmers, but they’d rather not get in the water because they don’t seem to like being wet.
- Even though we hear it a lot in movies and on TV, mountain lions don’t make that "wild cat scream" very often. More common vocalizations are whistles, squeaks, growls, purrs, hisses, and yowls.
- Some mountain lions eat porcupines, quills and all, apparently without any harm!
See them at The San Diego Zoo: Cat Canyon

Beautiful butterfly exhibits are held every year at at The San Diego zoo and Wild Animal Park
Technically speaking, butterflies are types of moths. But there are some ways to tell them apart. Butterflies generally have long, smooth antennae that are rounded on the ends, while most moths have thick, feathery antennae. Moths also tend to have larger, fuzzier bodies than butterflies. Most moths fly at night, while most butterflies fly during the day. Because of when they're active, butterflies tend to be more colorful than moths, but that's not always the case. You can see another difference when they're resting: most moths flatten their wings out over their bodies, while most butterflies raise them up and against each other. And although both butterflies and moths develop in a chrysalis, most moths also spin a protective cocoon. When people talk about this family of insects in general, they may use "butterflies" or "moths" to describe them, and both are considered correct.
Fun facts
• In some places, the number of caterpillars feeding on plants is so large that you can actually hear them munching.
• The Asian vampire moth lives up to its name! It has a tough proboscis to break through thick-skinned fruits, but sometimes it also sucks the blood of water buffalo or deer.
• Many adult butterflies never excrete waste—they use up all they eat for energy!
• "Puddle clubs" are groups of butterflies that gather at mud puddles and wet soil to suck up salts and minerals.
• Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow, but they also see color in the ultraviolet range, which reveals patterns on flowers—and other butterflies—that we can't see.
• Some Arctic moths may spend 14 years as caterpillars, only active a few weeks each summer.
• Butterfly wings are actually clear—the colors and patterns we see are made by the reflection of the tiny scales covering them.
Thank you San Diego Zoo/Animalbytes for the above info!

Heaven Bound

The way of the LORD is a refuge for the righteous, but it is the ruin of those who do evil.
Proverbs 10:29

If I understand my blog from yesterday correctly, this lovely lad is a turtle. The above pose reminds me of some prehistoric creature. I could watch them all day long in their habitat at The San Diego Zoo.


Turtle, tortoise, and terrapin: what’s the difference?
Turtle— Spends most of its life in the water. Turtles tend to have webbed feet for swimming. Sea turtles (Cheloniidae family) are especially adapted for an aquatic life, with long feet that form flippers and a streamlined body shape. They rarely leave the ocean, except when the females come ashore to lay their eggs. Other turtles live in fresh water, like ponds and lakes. They swim, but they also climb out onto banks, logs, or rocks to bask in the sun. In cold weather, they may burrow into the mud, where they go into torpor until spring brings warm weather again.
Tortoise— A land-dweller that eats low-growing shrubs, grasses, and even cactus. Tortoises do not have webbed feet. Their feet are round and stumpy for walking on land. Tortoises that live in hot, dry habitats use their strong legs to dig burrows. Then, when it’s too hot in the sun, they slip underground.
Terrapin— Spends its time both on land and in water, but it always lives near water, along rivers, ponds, and lakes. Terrapins are often found in brackish, swampy areas. The word terrapin comes from an Indian word meaning "a little turtle.”

Over the last four decades, NASSCO has delivered over 110 ships to the world's fleets -- 58 ships to commercial customers, becoming America's leading commercial shipbuilder during this period; and 56 auxiliary and support ships for the U.S. Navy.

Ruben E. Lee

Bon Weekend!

All the roses are in bloom in San Diego. Everywhere you go, you see beautiful roses! They thrive here. I'm cheating a little - I took the above photo at The Butchart Gardens in Victoria, Canada.
The rose below was from my garden this am. This is an iceberg rose which I have many of. They are very easy to grow and are always full of lovely white flowers.

Moto Men

This is a picture of my nephew and brother-in-law. They love to go dirt biking in the outskirts of San Diego and in the desert. My nephew starting riding motorcycles at a very young age and is quite good. Personally, they scare me. I had a bad accident years ago on a beach in Baja (Mexico)and that was enough for me.
Seals at Childrens Pool

Seals at Children's Pool, La Jolla. The seals have taken over Children's Pool in La Jolla. There is a long ongoing battle over whom the beach should belong to - the seals or the people. Personally, I think the seals should win. Haven't we taken enough of their natural resources?

The best streets on which to commit suicide on a skateboard are in Point Loma.
The views from these streets overlooking the Harbor are "to die for" but can you imagine parallel parking in front of your house? Be sure to set the emergency brake!
Nap Time!

These harbor seals are taking a serious nap and don't even look when we sail past. They spend much of their day snoozing on the buoys in San Diego Harbor. In the background is Point Loma light house.
Check out the seal half way up - I wish I could have seen how he got up there!

This picutre was taken from a moving Ferry. It's not the sharpest image but shows what a beautiful downtown skyline San Diego has.
Surfer Boy

This is a picture of my nephew, Jordan surfing in La Jolla. Jordan is a hot surfer and a great kid! Photo taken by his Aunt Jennifer.
Office View

This isn't the best photo but thought I'd post it anyhow. It was taken from one of the balconies at my office. I can see the hangliders go by often. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try this.

The tortilla is a flat bread made from corn or wheat. In the sixteenth century, the Spaniards found unleavened flat bread in Mexico among the Aztecs and decided to call it a “tortilla.” The word “tortilla” originally comes from the Spanish word “Torta,” which means “round cake.” However, its origin dates back to pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica.
Tortillas have been used for many centuries, particularly in Mexico and most recently in the United States. The tortilla is consumed all year round, in different occasions, with all kinds of meals. Tortillas are most commonly prepared with meat to make things such as tacos. Tortillas have increased in popularity in other countries, especially in the United States and Europe. This is because Mexican cuisine has been accepted in those countries and because of the versatility of the Mexican taco, which can be prepared with virtually any food. (merci wikpedia)
Take The Pledge!!
We walk the beach often and I am becoming more and more concerned with all the plastic we find.
Each year, one million sea birds and one hundred thousand marine mammals die from ingestion of, or entanglement in plastics.
In some places of the Pacific Ocean, the amount of plastic suspended in the water outnumbers plankton six to one! There is a section of the Pacific Ocean twice the size of the continental United States called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Within it, 100 million tons of plastic swirl in a vortex of currents. There is so much plastic in the water that it outnumbers zooplankton by six to one!
This plastic ends up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals. Again, one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die globally each year because of us!
Plastic is forever, with virtually every piece of petroleum based plastic ever made still in existence. That's why it's so critical to our oceans and beaches that we dramatically reduce our use of plastics, especially single-use plastics, starting today.
You can make a difference for our world's oceans, waves and beaches -- pledge to rise above plastics today.
I commit to do my part to rise above plastics and protect the world's oceans, waves and beaches from plastic pollution. I will do this by:
- Using reusable bottles for my water and other drinks. By using just one reusable bottle, I will keep 167 single-use plastic bottles from entering the environment.
- Using cloth bags for groceries and other purchases. For each reusable bag I use, I will save approximately 400 plastics from being used.
- Recycling the plastic bags and bottles I already have. For every thirteen plastic bags I don't use, I will save enough petroleum to drive a car one mile.
Surfrider Foundation now has over 50,000 members in the USA; in addition, International Surfrider Foundation chapters and affiliates have been established in many foreign countries including the Surfrider Foundation Europe (with ongoing programs and Chapters in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy) as well as Japan, Brazil, and Australia.
Information provided by http://www.riseaboveplastics.org/ and http://www.surfrider.org/
El Fandango Restaurant in Old Town

(n) fandango (a provocative Spanish courtship dance in triple time; performed by a man and a woman playing castanets)
El Fandango is a fantastic restaurant in San Diego's "Old Town". It reflects the changing pattern of food preparation in California during the time period of 1846 to 1856 - years of great change in California.
First, game and seafood was the staple of local Indians. Then the Californios of the Spanish period developed huge herds of cattle. At this time the tradition of “Fandangos” was instituted. During special events, parties sometimes lasted several days. Sounds like my kind of celebration!!
Tug Boat

Tugboats assist in the docking, undocking and towing of container ships, car carriers, tankers and other types of vessels as they enter and leave the San Diego harbor.

Even though the weather was chilly today, we went sailing any how. I'm so glad we did - it was just what the doctor ordered.
Church of the Immaculate Conception

Church of the Immaculate Conception, Old Town - San Diego.
Construction on this church begun in 1868 but was not completed until 50 years later due to the lack of funds as parishioners had left Old Town for New Town (downtown).

When visiting Old Town in San Diego, you can visit one of the many pottery gardens that sell all sorts of interesting things to the large tourist clientele. How about a WHIRLY-GIG or two?!
Blogger Buddy

What fun it was to meet a fellow blogger from Washington State yesterday! Along with our husbands, we had a fantastic mexican meal in Old Town. Visit Cherly's blog http://nostalgiatodayandyesterday.blogspot.com/.
Colorado House — 1851
In 1850 Cave Johnson Couts began construction of the Colorado House across the plaza.
When opened in 1851, hotel rooms were available for $15 per month. Couts had come to San Digeo at the age of twenty-eight, a U.S. Army Lieutenant of Dragons to provide protection for the Boundary Commission.
The Colorado House burned in 1872. It was reconstructed in 1992 and now houses the Wells Fargo Museum. Wells Fargo opened its first office in San Francisco on July 13, 1852. In April 1861 Wells Fargo took charge of the western end — California to Salt Lake City — of the Pony Express route to keep it running.
Wells Fargo is not very high on my list these days with all the recent reports of corruption but the building sure is pretty.
Planting Time!

One of the benefits of living in San Diego is one can garden year round. My garden is my sanctuary so forgive me if my gardening blog spills over into my San Diego blog but I'm so excited - it's planting time!!
My dear sweet patient husband and I built this double raised bed this weekend. We have a large back yard and It killed me to keep the grass green while San Diego is experiencing drought conditions. I'd rather water something we can eat so we dug up a portion of the grass for this 2nd raised bed. I can't wait to fill it with veggies. We have another raised bed where we have onions, spinach, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant growing. It provided all of our salad greens through out the winter.
Try a garden of your own - it's so rewarding!
For San Diego Gardeners:
Per Sunset Magazine, Coastal gardeners (in Sunset climate zones 21-24) can continue to plant quick-maturing, cool-season crops, including chard, leaf lettuces, radishes, and spinach. Inland (zones 18-21), switch to warm-season crops such as beans, corn, cucumber, eggplant, melons, peppers, summer and winter squash, and tomatoes. In the high desert (zone 11), wait a few more weeks; frost is still a possibility.
Plant beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, lima beans, melons, peppers, squash, tomatoes, and other warm-season crops. Delay planting two to four weeks in the high desert (Sunset climate zone 11) where frost is still a possibility. Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company is a great seed source for less common varieties.